
By Transitoire

Se faire des amis

New and old friends are great.

Caroline has been an absolute angel, today she helped me sort my bank account, mobile phone and account, and also my Twisto (the city tram and bus service) pass. So lovely to spend time with her, and also catch up with each other's lives with an absolutely amazing meal at Dolly's. This place is an English themed restaurant that has real cheddar and baked beans (France does not do strong cheddar, and their baked beans taste awful apparently!), and is always packed with French people - who knew?

Before I met Caroline I actually completely the inventory for my room. New words I have learnt today
- Peephole - judas
- Light switch - interrupteur
- Dustpan - pelle plastique
- Bucket - seau
- Window frame - huisserie
- Shutter - volet roulant
- Sink - évier
- Plug and chain - bouchon et chainette
...still haven't given it in though. I'll get round to it.

After lunch we met up with Sylvère and the found the assistante that he is responsible for. Lovely lovely girl from Boston, by the name of Kendra. Ended up taking this photograph after we left the café which we had spent the previous three hours talking in. The sun was just beginning to set and is shining through the stained glass windows.
Even though we are from completely different sides of the globe we got on very well - I didn't know just how many English colloquialisms I use in daily speech! Really nice to meet someone who is also in my position in the same city as me. Ended up talking for so long I walked back to mine in the dark! Pretty scary as I am not in the best of areas, and was walking along thinking confident thoughts in case anyone was watching! But all was fine, and didn't even see anyone remotely threatening!

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