
By Transitoire

Plus d'amis

Went back to Dolly's this afternoon to meet up with two other assistants who live out in Hérouville St-Clair, the other end of the tram line to me in Caen. Along with Kendra, we spent about 4 hours talking! In this photo is Claire and Kendra - Claire, like me; also has a boyfriend who is doing MEng at University while she is away in France. Coincidences coincidences! So nice to have found some new people also looking for friends...Becky, the final member of our quartet has actually already been a year in France. As she can't yet decide whether to be a teacher, she is spending another year as an assistant at her lycée, and Claire is the other assistant there.

Going out with everyone later tonight so keeping it short! Will finish with a list of things people don't always think of bringing when going abroad:-
- Photographs...bring as many as you can, even if you look like a stalker of your friends at least you know you have them! It can be very lonely at the beginning moving to a place where you know no one
- Small posters...again, brighten up your apartment. The problem is a lot of people think they will already be homely when they turn up. Nine times out of ten they are like university accommodation or similar, with bare walls and no decoration - even things like flyers for university nights out are better than nothing!
- Banners, bunting, fairy lights, flags - variation on a theme here, but you will spend a lot of time in your apartment at first, might as well make it look nice!

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