
Poorly and achey still today, and very tired. Paracetamol to get out of bed with. Steve took the boys down to give me a bit of a lie-in but Ben wanted to wait for me before having breakfast so I came down to find a very hungry Charley!

Managed to get some more painting and doodling done this morning, and also got all the cups that I'd painted yesterday fired - nearly finished! And the postal boxes are due to arrive on Monday so if I can get stock photos done of them I can actually get them up for sale next week!

Physio for me today. He knew I'd done very little over the past couple of weeks. Still, after telling me off he got me into the gym and had me doing free weights. I did free weights briefly many years ago and absolutely loved it, but never got into it properly - so I actually really enjoyed the exercises the physio was making me do! Really slow controlled weights - I really love that. So I stand a good chance of doing them this week!

And Ben enjoyed preschool again. Apparently he was playing mummies and daddies with one of his preschool besties, and they had a bump (oops!) but no harm done! Went round to our neighbour's house straight after school to play and drink tea and have cake, and Ben and Charley both had a lot of fun. They played peekaboo: Cas hanging backwards off the sofa, Ben crawling under the coffee table, and Charley popping up and bobbing down laughing. Good times! Ended up inviting them back to ours for dinner as we had a ham cooking, so we've had an unexpectedly sociable evening. Charley wanted bed though so I left Steve chatting with Steph, and Ben watching Ice Age with Casper. Apparently Ben appeared round the corner, calling back to Cas if he wanted to go upstairs, Steph saw him and said he looked like a zombie! Steve asked if he was tired and wanted to go to bed and Ben just stared at him before just about managing a "yes..." so they are gone home, the boys are snoring, I've just sent two texts to Steph meant for Steve but it appears that I only read the first few letters of the name at the top of the screen rather than actually checking who I'm texting - it's a good job I don't bad-mouth people behind their backs or send rude text messages really, I could easily get into a lot of trouble given how rubbish I am at checking who I'm texting!!

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