A bit unsettled

But he won't admit the true extent of it.

I discovered his new mobile phone had a big crack in the screen this afternoon. Initially he told me he had fallen over, but after a while, he told me that a number of older boys from his school had pushed him over, taunted him about his height and done the same to his friend as well. Two of their other friends were there and tried to defend James, but the older boys then started being vile to them as well. The extent of this is quite sickening, as the older boys the turned their attention to making comments about the death of James' friend's younger brother a few months ago.

James is not injured physically. The physical damage was to the phone, and with the prompt assistance of Vodafone, this has been sorted. He is definitely shaken though.

Me? I am absolutely ripping.

More so because that wonderful young man had had a superb day at school, performed (sang and played his guitar) in front of two hundred other students AND aced his science test, getting a 7a, which for non teachers is a stinking achievement for a 12 year old.

Memories to be proud of. Sullied by a senseless act.

We don't know who the morons are, but all of the parents are contacting the school on Monday, and all of the boys are going together to speak to the support department to get something done.

I think the acceptance that you can't always protect your children is the hardest thing about being a parent.

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