Man in Shed

Busy making things. I understand what he is doing and why, but don't ask me to try to explain beyond "he is making a radio controlled boat".

I know that there will be a number of questions resulting from that stated purpose. Ask him

Busy day. Got James phone sent away for the screen to be replaced after yesterday's incident. Done some other retail therapy which will result in some magic gadgets being received tomorrow and a farewell to infernal windows operating systems. Marked a class set of books, with another to do tomorrow along with some data analysis ready to be sent away to those who need it on Monday.

Chinese for tea, Doctor Who and the scary angels. then later on, I was treated to a performance of a full song on e guitar by James and very good it was too.

Just remembered that I need to do some laundry, but that is definitely for tomorrow.

Night night!

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