
By RhubarbCrumble


When things get stressful or upsetting, or even when I simply want a break, nothing helps me more then looking around and noticing the world surrounding me. The sky, the weeds that grow in cracks of concrete, the trees, the birds, the cats, even the insects.

There is one place that for me is like a little piece of heaven. That place is the RSPB Reserve at Minsmere. I go there with my dad, he is the person who taught me to appreciate nature, birds etc.

In August I had a week off work and my dad mentioned we hadn't been to Minsmere yet this year so off we went. It's amazing how the moment we were in the grounds it felt like all the weight on my shoulders just disappeared.

We saw lots of birds (obviously), a lizard, dragon flies, wild ponies and butterflies. Today's picture is one I took of a Red Admiral when we were there.

Even when not 'in' nature it's still there to be appreciated. Today after work and dinner I went out to do my grocery shopping, I had only just turned out of my road when I had to stop my car, get out and chase two ducks out off the road. Some people would get annoyed, some people would purposely run them over (I've seen this happen) but it made me laugh and smile. That single encounter with nature lifted my spirits and improved me day.

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