
By RhubarbCrumble

Books, books, books

I adore reading, always have and probably always will. Growing up I went on regular holidays with my parents, always in a caravan which some people probably wouldn't like but I loved it. We used to travel all over England, occasionally popping into Scotland and Wales (would have loved to go to Ireland but think the ferry crossing was considered rather time consuming on top of an already long journey).

We had a couple of one and two week long holidays a year and lots of weekends away. I clearly remember the times my mum and dad would be sitting out on the sun loungers relaxing and I'd be curled up on a seat in the caravan reading.

My love of reading has stayed with me. Currently I am a member of two reading groups, with the books I'm reading for them and the books I'm reading for fun I have about five books on the go.

This went up to six today when I received the above book - The Passage by Justin Cronin. I'm a member of the website Love Reading and when the chance came up to receive the above book and review it I had to apply/enter and I was lucky enough to get my details in on time.

Have only read the first chapter so far and am already intrigued and drawn in. Fingers crossed it continues well.

Best finish this entry now - I have some reading to do!

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