The Wren

By TheWren

The "H" word

Halloween is obviously a big deal out here, with the shops full of pumpkins, ghosts, masks, skeletons and a plethora of ghoulish bits and pieces. It is still only September yet some of the houses around here have already decorated their gardens with scarecrows, pumpkins and spider's webs. This is just round the corner from here and in the daytime a huge scarecrow leans nonchalantly against a bush surrounded by plastic pumpkins but at night time a huge blow up pumpkin comes to life complete with wavy ghost and two skulls inside. The small pumpkins also come to life as they light up, but the scarecrow retreats into the background. When I was here last year the gardens and houses were lit up and decorated for Christmas but I just hadn't expected Halloween to be such a big deal.

The image is a bit grainy given the lack of light but I thought it was fun!

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