
By RosInAus

A Wild Sort Of Day

There were strong winds in the night and when I walked around Mary Cairncross Nature Reserve at 7am there were branches down and even an uprooted tree. But I did get to blip this little Pandemelon, a marsupial related to kangaroos and wallabies though much smaller.

After that I drove to the library in Maleny and walked through its little park, almost stepping on a long, pencil-thin snake - I think a young Tree Snake. Through that park, two minutes later I was walking alongside the Obi Obi river where rain-forest trees and plants are preserved, when I came face-to-face with a big, black snake. I froze. It froze. I could barely blip for camera shake. I took 2 pics then sidled past it and scurried off as fast as possible.

At home on the internet I discovered that this black snake with an orangey under-belly and small head, 1.5 to 2 metres long is one of the following;- Golden Crown Snake, Eastern Small-eyed Snake, Red-bellied Black Snake ALL 3 highly venomous, bites can be fatal. Yikes!!

I chose the cute wild thing for the blip but if you want to see my two snakes they are in MY BLIPFOLIO.

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