
By Eilatanfoto

The Twilight Zone......

RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) houses some of the most creative minds in Australia. Its buildings are instantly recognisable, though opinion on their 'style' remains devided.

Whenever I look at this building, I automatically think that the lower half houses the 'normal' students, the ones who cuddle their I-Pads on the tram whilst nursing hangovers from the uni pub night the night before and provide those classic text book answers in class, ensuring a minimum pass result.

But the top half, well, there are student who answer differently, who forgot to read the text book but know "stuff", nobody knows why or how, they just do......These students are sent (insert sinister music) to the top floor!! Ask the other students, the kids that go there aren't seen again...there are rumours that they go to another dimension, its why the windows are 'one way'. They go to another dimension beyond sight, beyond sound, beyond the imagination itself....they go to.......(insert theme music here)

I've really got to stop watching re-runs and get out more!

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