North Bank

A long day in London for me (Chris) whilst Annie's day was even longer as she worked from home and then drove to Stansted for a late evening flight to Edinburgh. It's going to be a busy week.

A couple of months ago I won some Fuji kit in the Photo 24 London photography competitions. The kit arrived late last week, today was the first time to give it a try. It's an X-T20 and a couple of lenses. It's very small and light so may become my daily camera if I get on OK with it. As a hardened Canon user, I've found some of the control layout a bit confusing but I'm already liking various aspects (and the articulated screen) and quickly getting to grips the many menus. A first step into the world of mirrorless.

Low tide meant a chance to scrabble around on the banks of the Thames. It was that halfway stage between day and evening with little sunlight so mono was the way to go.

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