Just .......

 ......... a tree full of berries outside my office 4th bedroom window - the sun shone on it just as I looked out while catching up with my blips.
and a Monday WBBN & MM191 combo photo - along with the FF15 BB Hearts and HMs if you haven't already seen them.

What a difference a day makes - this morning (Wed) is very grey and gloomy.

Himself is being admitted to hospital today (as a daycase) for an unpleasant "procedure" - he's been suffering terribly with acute stomach pains for a couple of months and has lost 30lbs (14kgs) in the same period - eating anything solid causes the pain - the National Health Service have been so slow that we are paying to go private - consultant last week, procedure this week - the NHS said the end October or beginning of November!!!

I have another "mission" tomorrow - an all-go week again!

Happy Wednesday everyone.

~ Anni ~

Backblipped Wednesday 20th September 2017

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