Alien angel

I always think orchids look like alien birdlike creatures, aliens with a beak and huge wings :-) I did have a little more time for the macro exercise, using a tripod, getting as close as possible and changing the aperture to see the difference and determine the right aperture for the image mood you want.
I can probably show it better on more wild carrot shots, but I chose this orchid one. The lens min aperture is f/3.5, the camera aperture in this  case is f/9, to have a larger DoF and more details. I'm rather proud of this plant (knocking on wood while I'm typing), I've been able to keep it alive and blooming for over 4 years now, that's a first for me !

Remember that tomorrow it's Abstract Thursday with the optional theme of 'shadows' and tag AT117.

Thanks very much for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's wild carrot macro :-)

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