The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

Loving memories...

A few days ago Blip told me "you reach your 1500th blip in 3 days"... That would actually be yesterday... But I wanted to dedicate my 1500th blip on my mother, so I skipped a day (will be back bliped of course)...
I told you on Monday how I inherited the love for wild- animals, wildflowers and nature from my mum.... if she still would have lived, she would loved to get around with me at our nature reserve "Maashorst" I have her in my heart, so I know she is always with me on my walks and bike rides by nature...When I see something special, I see it as a message from her...
14-4-1938 - 21-09-1989

And I never could have thought that after more than four years I still take a photo every day, and that I'm still part of this amazing and wonderful community... You let me be a part of your life, and you all are a part in my life... That's what makes Blip so special... We are there in good and bad times and in sickness and health...(starts to sound like a wedding promise). The kindness and positive vibes are amazing and a good example to the rest of the world... Try to explain an outsider how Blips community is working, they can hardly believe it... 

I want to say thank you all, for your love, great support, lovely comments, stars and hearts in the past 4 years. You all are awesome... XXX 

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