
Up to the allotment this morning - still feel a little anxiety about going there but once there I know it will feel wonderful! But I take my time, eat and drink before going, my how sensible I have become! Just needs a scare to make me be sensible! 
Lovely that Izzy has decided to stop being broody. But she is so not a part of the group - she is the lowest in the pecking order and it's a good job she is a feisty fast runner as the other girls are way bigger than her and do chase her! She really has no-one but herself to blame! Here she is waiting for her opportunity to get some of the millet I'd put down for them. I always put some close to where she is skulking, but the other girls are very observant and soon come to pinch her share! I also have to make sure Big Betsy and Henrietta get their share. I even saw Amy one of the black rocks have a go at Big Betsy over the millet - and since she is the oldest and biggest that was just out of order! But then the OAP's of this world are often treated unfairly. 
I pootled about on my plot looking at the flowers and inspecting the squash - think it might be time to harvest them! I did pick some raspberries and gave the girls the not so nice ones, which then led to picking the last of the blackberries for them. So many are just not going to ripen - and as usual the raspberries will form mildew. My mission over the next year is to get rid of a lot of the autumn ones and plant summer ones! So much to do on my plots but looking forward to doing it - when I feel ready! 
The sunny start to the day gave way to dark clouds and I headed home before the rain came - another day of relaxing, reading, cooking and even napping in the afternoon! During the evening I finished hand one of my fingerless mittens! I'm getting ready for the colder temps and wearing of warm layers! Early morning mists, frost if I am lucky, warming soups and lighted fire in the evenings  as I knit -  what could be nicer?!

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