Flower Bombed!

I'd intended to go get chicken feed today - but my bowels didn't let me! But order restored after my migraine Sunday put my rhythm out once more and found me reaching for the laxatives last night! Too much information perhaps?! So a day of doing nothing much but sit you know where and inbetween take photos of flowers - this little flying thing bombed my photograph! 
By the evening I was able to do my hen duty. Was dismayed to find the battery flat on the electric fence which meant me having to detach it and bring it home, which means taking up the charged one tomorrow. I smiled ironically at the fact no-one had told me and also although we were virtually out of all feed no-one had offered to go get some let alone told me! Some things never change! I  brought back some grass for Tilly and Polly - they like to scratch around in it for bugs and then use the remaining soil as a dustbath. With rainy days ahead it gives them some fun when confined to their run. 
I had just finished setting up the battery to charge once home when FatCat appeared - she walked straight out to the conservatory and started munching on the grass! She hasn't appeared downstairs for ages and must have smelt the grass - how amazing is that?! After a good old crunch she promptly slinked upstairs again - growling as she did so just incase Milkshake might be lurking on the stairs! 

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