Stay Calm!

Up to the allotment with the charged battery this am. Thorough cleaning of the coop and then to the battery - nothing. I had sprayed all the connectors with oil the previous night so tightened them - still no luck. Re-sited the earth - no.  I took the electric insulating tape off the wires connecting it to the transformer to see if they had got wet and rusted - no.  Decided to unattached the battery from the protective box it is in and attach the transformer directly to the battery.  Just before I did I suddenly thought to check the switch that turns the transformer on and off - not used as the switch on the box always used. Eureka! What darn fool had turned it off there and then not turned it back on again? Email to members being constructed in my head as I made my way home!
All that unnecessary mucking about meant I now had no time to go to Tavistock to get the chicken feed - had to get to the post depot to pick up a parcel before it closed at 12 and then a hair appointment at 1.00  Debated asking other members to get the food - but last time I did that they got crumb instead of mash! Cretins! Luckily there is a store in Callington that sells food - not the type we usually use but better that than nothing or the wrong type entirely! It also meant all the bags I had amassed in the hallway to take to the recycling centre would now have to be taken another day!I got some shopping at the Co-Op after picking up my parcel and had intended doing a photographic walk round the town - rain put pay to that idea which was probably best as by this point the morning of frustration and rushing had caught up with me and I wasn't feeling so good. So I sat quietly in my car until it was time to go get shorn! I did get a nice colourful photo from within the car though! The haircut was a little fought - thought I was going to pass out at one point and had to tell him to hurry up! He was doing more talking about his eventful trip to Las Vegas than cutting! Would you believe the American friend he was meeting there spent hours gambling? To my horror not even poker but slot machines!! The fact this friend was going there again in January left me speechless - what sort of behaviour is that for someone who has flown so far to holiday with you?! 
Anyway - finally home to relax. Not! Nellie of The Woods called in as she was concerned for me! So after reassuring her I was fine just taking time out, I sent her off with a couple of courgette muffins and a hug! A group were meeting in the pub for a catch up after the summer which I had already opted out of on the Facebook group thread , and explained my reasons and the fact that all was well but that I was stepping back from things for a while. Well one friend suggested popping in for a cuppa post pub! I gently told her no and explained in more detail what had been going on, and then asked about how her summer had been - good she said  but not on a personal level! So of course said if she needed to talk then call by another time. Then saw on the message thread that another friend had to opt out as her mum was unwell - so messaged her - mum could be seriously unwell so spent the evening bouncing between the two of them on messenger offering support! 

So - what have I learnt from this day:

 - that a retreat is no good when it's done within ones own home and there are so many ways for people to contact you and life intrude! Interesting article today coincidentally by a guy who has gone totally off grid.

 - It's good to have supportive friends who are concerned about you - and that means being there for them when they need support. Another interesting article today about 15 habits of incredibly happy people. No 3 is to have 5 close relationships. 5 is taken as a low-end average! 

I guess another one could be never join a cooperative - especially when its a hen cooperative - but I kinda knew that a long time ago! 

P.S. There are a few murals in Callington and this one is across from my hairdressers. Wonder if peoples lives were less stressful back in the day?!

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