Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Oxford for a Day

Well here at last the long planned visit to Oxford was today.

What a beautiful sunny day it was when I left home, but the cloud cover was plenty in Oxford. I took several pictures but there were only two that were worth 'blipping', so the choice was fairly easy. The sun was out when we were here, although it was actually quite chilly :)

This is part of the Bodleian Library, its a circular building and we walked round most of the outside on our way to a lovely lunch in the vaults at St Mary's church. Its actually called the 'Radcliffe Camera', (Camera meaning 'room' in Italian). Apparently Radcliffe, physician to William III and Mary II wrote in his will it to be built in 1714 (he'd already planned it 2 years before his death).

Beoef Bourguignon was what we both had for lunch in the St Mary's Church Vaults, a busy little restaurant just behind here. It was very flavoursome, but I though the beef was quite tough (and I'm not sure if it was meant to be like that).

Following lunch we did quite a bit of walking around Oxford, hoping to see into a college but they were all closed this afternoon, so my poor feet are very sore (not used to walking a lot anymore) but my knee has thankfully behaved itself for a change. I am hoping it will not be bad tomorrow!

I'm home now and after a rest for my poor feet I'm getting on with pulling the last bits of my service together. I'd hoped to finish it yesterday, but being me, there's always some last minute changes. Just hoping it all works out :)

I'll catch up on everyone else's blips later (or probably tomorrow now)!

Hope you all had a lovely Saturday blippers :)

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