We're All Going on a Blackberry Hunt

The Little Misses were up and about quite early this morning, very keen to go blackberry picking. So they donned shoes and shades and set off!!
We have a bramble hedge on our driveway so they didn't have to go far.
I took Miss L to a party this afternoon for one of her nursery friends. I think they're a bit young for big parties and have no intention of giving Miss L one in February. I'm not a lover of parties where you don't know anyone and I don't know any of the kids or parents in her class so was tempted to give it a miss! But free cake is free cake so off we went!!
It started off pretty badly! It was at a play farm and when I got there the woman ticked Miss L's name off the list and then said "That'll be £5.95 please"
"I'm sorry?!"
"If you're staying you have to pay"
"Well of course I'm staying - she's two!!!"
"They've invited too many children so you'll have to pay"
Oh my God!
And to make it worse I didn't have a penny on me!
But a nice man I'd walked up from the car park said he'd pay and then proceeded to buy me a coffee too!
We got chatting and it turns out we were born on the same day which I found quite amazing (actually so were Mr K and BradyBird - both 36 tomorrow!!!)
So the hare yesterday was a bit upsetting. It darted out in front of me but I managed to swerve and it ran across the road towards the hedge. But then another car came round the corner and it ran straight back under my wheels. Awful. At least it was quick and definitely fatal - I think it'd be worse to leave something dying in pain.

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