
By HellsBells

Steel Rigg

Today started with me getting rid of clothes and shoes and putting Wills room back together as he said he would like to pop home the weekend after next, possibly with washing!

We had lots of heavy rain this morning and I wanted to get out of the house to get a blip. Tom was busy with his Harper Collins work, and setting up his new pedal board so mum and I went on an afternoon drive to Steel Rigg.

It was at least dry. I used by new lens, but it is quite blurry on the right hand side. The views, however, will make up for lack of my technical skill. You can see the naturally spectacular Whin Sill rock formation disappearing off into the distance, and if you look closely you can see the roman wall climbing up the right hand side then snaking along the top of the Whin Sill. 

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