A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Only vicariously

First thing Carl said to me this morning was, "rough night?". Turns out it wasn't a question as apparently I had tossed and turned and snored my way through. Having been oblivious to all this I thought I was quite well rested. But once I'd walked the dog it turned out he may have had a point. I made it out to do some jobs and meet a friend for coffee. And that was it. Wiped out for the next 4 hours. Dragged myself out of bed to sort the supermarket shop delivery and make dinner and be grateful there was no homework assisting required so I was free to snuggle under a blanket and finish my book.

Though on the subject of homework I do want to record how impressed I was today with my lovely daughter. Turns out she has really taken the handwriting conversation to heart and has spent the last two days focusing on how she can work on it - one of the challenges being that she didn't really have a style and so any sentence could contain any number. She has chosen a style and showed me some of her work from today where she has been using it and it was fantastic. As was her homework. I know it might sound a ridiculous thing to be proud of but I was so impressed with her attitude. And relieved to be able to take a break from Tiger Mother duties.

Lesley x

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