Busy all day, doing more sorting, donating, purging of our kitchen pantry.  Everything I had not used in a while is gone!  This evening, I went to have a lovely dinner at a new restaurant in town, Bravo, with my dear friend Susan, who was my very first neighbor/friend in Sarasota.  We've known each other for 16 years now, and since we are no longer living on the same street, I don't see her as often as either one of us would like.  We meet up for dinner or a movie or both!  ANYWAY, on my way out to the car, I saw the reflection of the illuminated clouds in the rear window of my car (and yes, that is a Star Wars light saber that's also the windshield wiper) and liked the look of it.  Not nearly as exciting as yesterday's 1000th blip photo, but carrying on the Star Wars theme.
Thank you for all your wonderful comments, stars and hearts for my 1000th blip.....you're the best!!!  :)

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