Pretty in Pink

This is hygrocybe calyptriformis - the pink wax cap, arguably one of our most beautiful fungi. It was once thought to be much rarer than it actually is. Back in 2002, a pink wax cap survey was launched to try and get a better picture, and it turns out that it is more common than was thought. Not that it is common. Like all waxcaps, it relies on unimproved acid grassland, which we are lucky to have in abundance here in the Peak District.
The photo doesn't do it justice as today was not about photography, but about a lovely morning out, looking for fungi and catching up with two dear friends. The autumn outing has become a tradition, followed as it is by a bacon butty in the legendary Grindleford Caff. Today, we were accompanied for the first time by Elaine (of Elaine's Lunch fame). It was she who spotted the pink waxcap. Beginner's Luck.

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