Cemetery Squirrel

We spent a long but enjoyable day in Gettysburg, revisiting the Visitor's Center with its new museum, and the battlefield.  It is good to be reminded of the history of the Civil War and get a more in-depth view of this pivotal battle, where the carnage and cost just boggle the mind.  The museum provides a much more objective view than one would have found 30 years ago and attempts to depict what life must have been like in this tiny town for many months after this horrendous battle.  We drove through the battlefield stopping to view many of the monuments that were erected in the 50 years after the war by the various states, regiments, companies, etc. Our last stop was at the Soldiers' National cemetery just before sunset, where Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address.  I have heard this so many times, I know most of it by heart, but to read it there gave me goose-bumps and brought tears.  

I took many shots, some of the better ones can be seen HERE on Flickr.  I was quite taken with the fields and fences, but didn't have a lot of time to work them. Even though my husband is quite tolerant of my picture-taking, I am always sensitive to the fact that he is waiting. I really could have spent hours just on that.  I came across this little fellow at the cemetery and wasn't sure I got a good shot because the light was poor and I had my least favorite lens on, the 24-240 mm which isn't very sharp, but is a good walk-around lens.... not great for wildlife.  What I liked most about this shot however, was the crazy bokeh.  I wouldn't be able to recreate that no matter how hard I tried!

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