
I can't believe this is the same family with the 7 cygnets of a few months back.  They look so different, so grown up!

Worked some more on the MOOC today as there's a new one starting on Monday, but no problem if I don't finish.  It's supposed to take 7 weeks.  Watched some Bollywood, gamed in between, did some housework with the emphasis on 'some'.  Was generally lazy.  I did go to the supermarket later, taking the long way and passing by my favourite horse farm, as well as the old house to check for wayward mail (all advertisements).

Hubby, on the other hand, was busy the whole day.  He had to get up early, which meant I had to get up earlier.  By 9, he was at friend S's place to borrow S's trailer, after which he drove to Ossendrecht to pick up 45 garden tiles (Marktplaats, which is like eBay), not the flat type but the one you can fill up with soil and plant things in.  When he got home, he positioned a great number on the patches he'd already prepared.  This took up most of the day.  I put a simple dinner together.  This was shot just before dinner.  He went to bed ahead of me and I gave him a hopefully good massage.

The weather?  It still feels like summer.

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