digital darkness

I've been living in digital darkness for the weekend (as opposed to the digital twilight we usually enjoy at our house). I've been taking photographs for the wonderful Sanctuary festival in the Galloway Forest Park.

Because it's also a Dark Skies Park, visitors are encouraged to check in their white lights (phones, torches etc) at the "Decontamination Portal" and to cover them with red cellophane so that our eyes become dark-adapted. This is what's going on in today's blip.

The festival runs from noon until noon but at midnight D and I retired to our bivvy bags, Luke to his tent and Sarah and Nicole to the car for some sleep. I woke at 7am and had obviously slept through some torrential rain! We decided to pack up and go home as it was still pretty wet and not good weather for photos..the A75 had a lot of surface water but not a lot of traffic.

Everything is drying out now and we have taken Nicole to the bus stop for the overnight bus to London. I've sat in the carpark at Tesco uploading my photos while Sarah and Luke buy reduced fruit and veg and supplies for next week's journey. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself...will soon be blipping Sunday's photo :-)

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