Upward over the mountain

By lilymaychanter

An evening of Delectable, Righteous Truthiness

I got together with some UDel friends to see The Colbert Report live! It was incredible, I'd highly recommend the experience to anyone who's interested. Tickets are free, but very hard to get! All in all, it was one of the best nights of my life, I don't think I've ever smiled and laughed so much at one time. Seeing it live is way better than watching it on tv.

Unfortunately no cameras were allowed to be used in the studio, so I had to post this blip that I took before I entered the building. The wall where we waited on line was covered in graffiti messages written by Colbert fans. This one was one of my favorites, but another that I liked was a full out drawing of "Lord of the Reports" done in the same font as Lord of the Rings.

As I told nir:

Yes, it is true that Colbert talks to his audience.
We got to have a question and answer session with him before the show started. You might remember in the beginning of the episode (catch it again at 8:30 tomorrow) when he said that he wanted to give a shout out to his college acting teacher. That was actually an inside joke from the question and answer! Someone went to the same college as him and had the same acting teacher, and asked if she had ever made him cry. He went on to tell us this story about how she screamed at him and he collapsed onto the floor sobbing! So when he gave her a shout out we all thought it was so funny.
And remember the "Obamargarine"? After the show ended, he wanted to see if the microwave still worked, so he heated it up and then stuck his finger in the margarine to test it, and then he offered to let one of the girls in the audience lick it off! But the girl was young so he changed his mind because it would have been really perverted.

My friend sitting next to me definitely would have taken the margarine job, but she was too busy fainting.

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