Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Guildford rooftops

It was a dull and drizzly day today - I had planned to go photograph a vineyard but when I saw the weather forecast I knew it was not a good day for it. I had to go to Guildford to collect something from a store that Adam had ordered, and when I was there I took this photo of the rooftops - from the carpark!

I think this qualifies for a favourite colour in mono as these buildings were that deep red brick colour which is just lovely.

Its Gavin's birthday today but unfortunately he is spending it in the air crossing time zones - he probably missed his birthday as one loses almost a day when travelling to Australia from London. I did have a quick phone call from him when he disembarked at Singapore, so I was able to wish him a happy birthday.

I am looking forward to tomorrow as I am going on a Street Art walk through Shoreditch, with many photo opportunities.

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