High Five!

A very enjoyable Saturday afternoon. I started off in Porty, walking some of the 'Mile of Memories' along the Prom. Then visited a couple of Doors Open Day locations - the Wilson Memorial Church on Inchview Terrace and one of the old police boxes on the edge of Mountcastle. The church was interesting as I walk past it every week on the way to football and it looks very angular from the outside yet inside it has a lovely curved barrel ceiling. The old police box was bought by a private individual who just wants to keep it preserved as it was, rather than converting it into a coffee stall, as so many of the others closer to the city centre have been. From their I caught another bus to Abbeyhill, taking advantage of a little bonus from earlier. As I got on the bus outside the church the driver asked if I could adjust his wing mirror for him, which I did, and when I got on he'd already printed off a day ticket for me by way of a thank you.
At Abbeyhill it was the Colony of Artists event in the colony streets and I headed for my friend J's house. J was one of the site-specific artists during the Porty Art Walk and had an impressive collection of work on display in her house. She offered me something to drink and so I stayed a while, which stretched to the rest of the afternoon, talking about art with J and with some of the visitors to her house. It was very pleasant sitting in the garden. I met another friend G on her way round and she was with one of our Bath Street neighbours who I'd never met. One of the people involved in the new build on the street that I have blipped several times. Small world! J's husband came back from work and the three of us shared some wine in the last hour before they closed up at six and I headed for home. Earlier on, in one of the lulls between visitors J showed off her high-fiving routine with one of her two cats which made my picture for the day.

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