Today marks 1500 blips. With no gaps. To celebrate, you get to see me! A very rare occurrence, me preferring  to stay well away from mirrors or lenses!

But Blip has been all about me, my life in Orkney, my Gorgeous Husband, those two stupid idiot dogs (who rarely sit still enough for a photo) and our adventures. So I thought this family portrait was apt. Also apt, buckets of love and appreciation for all you fellow blippers who make this place so wonderful. There's a whole lot of love here.

Today's adventure was at Wasdale, we have blipped so many photos of this old roller and the surrounding abandoned scrap yard.

In earlier adventures today, Billy and EJ and myself and Brie had a lovely little hack out. Despite the raging wind, we all behaved ourselves. I also had a breakthrough with Brie...after struggling to find a bit (the metal thing that goes in the horses mouth, for non equestrians) that she's comfortable in, I had a good look in her mouth...and discovered she has quite a bit of old scar tissue :( That was it. She is never wearing a bit ever again. On with a bitless bridle and away we went, she was definitely happier and less stressy. Still need to do some long hours of work with her 'halt' issue but i'm so glad there was a positive difference in her. I'd hit a bit of a brick wall and felt i was getting nowhere with bits...just wish i'd had a good poke about in her mouth before now. Bless her. She is also loving being rugged up in the worst of the weather and is SO happy when she gets to spend a night in the byre! Billy remains a big handsome  hulk of a horse with the biggest character and face full of comedy expressions. And it's so nice to see EJ happy and content. And then there's wee Ruby...see extra. Life is good x 1500.

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