The Breakwater

A day spent boat-sitting - some small jobs, including checking whether the depth transducer kindly sent by blip’s own BillyGoat would work. It did! And of course checking for the horrid ingress of water.
Later, off to see Mother! at the Cameo. I believe it divides opinion - well, I thought it was just wonderful. Totally hooked from the off - your worst nightmare - unwanted guests (though I’m not sure Michelle Pfeiffer could ever really be that) but then it moves up a gear. Whoah! Some allegory there. Fantastic.
On to the Diggeries - only MrT and L there but we had the best of chats. Arty chats! And the best of whisky. Well, the best on the £2.50 list. We’re not ones to get carried away.

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