721 UXO

When we arrived on Friday, Mike and one of his pals (or maybe a customer) were in the big old hanger you can see in the background with the doors wide open. With its back to us was a Morris Minor (or similar) with its bonnet up. While Mike looked on in his overalls, his pal was trying the engine.

The sound of an engine that wouldn't catch took me back to winter mornings on Eton Avenue in the 1970s, when cars still had a choke and there was a skill to using it ("don't flood the engine"). Sometimes a neighbour or two would give you a push ("put the car in second") and the engine might start that way.

As we were unpacking, Mike and the other chap carried on tinkering with the car until after a few seconds of keening from the starter motor, the engine suddenly caught and I looked over to to see them standing there, just watching it, a quiet satisfaction apparent in their stance. I felt quite envious.

This morning this fellow was parked up at the foot of the steps below the carriage. I've no idea how old it is, careworn but clearly lovely. Mike and Jessica also have a Robin Reliant which they're driving down to Wales soon. They told Minx that when they went down to Devon it took three days. I like that.

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