
By Cigs

Ardmillan Terrace

It is with regret I must annoucne the departure from Cigscorp of the chief scout. 

The football world is littered with stories about that time Wenger could have signed Messi for Arsenal, the art world is littered with stories of valuable pieces that 'experts' dismissed as forgeries or fakes. And Cigscorp has sadly now had to pay over the odds for a missed Cigs. 

After checking my notebooks, this sole white pen / black bin combo was recorded and logged as a sighting in April 2015. The notes show that although it's in rough form, with coaching and time invested, it may well go on to become a valuable asset. 

And so it is, snapped up the sighting and only after negotiating a substantial transfer fee are we able to bring you this shot.

Rest assured, the board are taking the necessary steps to ensure such oversights never happen again*

Still, at least some of the transfer fee was recouped by shirt sales and substantial advertising revenue from Corstorphine G** S****** - for all your G** S******* needs. 24/7. Friendly and affordable.

*until the next time

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