Sensational found

Hanulli Professor Dr. H. Brown, son of Barnum Brown and his team of palaeontologists just have made a stunning discovery. They found four frozen eggs of dinosaurs in a hidden cave. The dinosaurs seem to be in a very good condition. The rainbow press assumes already , that the dinos can be brought back to life. Professor Dr. H. Brown demented this:
"I don't think it is possible, but I've to admit, that I had the feeling, that the Tyrannosaurus Rex gave me a wink ..... "    (see extra) :-)))

The most crazy thing was the preparation of the eggs. I had to squeeze the dinos in water bombs and than fill the balloons with water.... it was a very frustrating and wet mess :-)
Thanks admirer for hosting Silly Saturday for a year now. 
Happy blipday to SilS!!!

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