I got up...

...very early this morning to work on some written files on Pages on my iPad...a lot of collating and work has gone on this...only to be told that I was unable to work on them because ‘the owner had not given me permission to open them’...

Excuse me...I am the owner of these files...it is my iPad, my account, my files...so I tried to open another one...the same message. Do not do this to me...I have a deadline and I need these files...

I then tried Pages on the phone and got the same thing...it doesn’t make sense. There is no reason for this. I have not updated or done anything new. GIVE ME MY FILES...

There must be a bug in Apple....

A couple of hours later I got them all, but only because I am the Queen of back up elsewhere, especially after I spectacularly lost a pile of files and work on my laptop in 2010....

Poor Popeye has hardly seen me today. I kept him out of the room because I didn’t want him to add his contribution to my file dilemma today...I have just given him a cuddle and put him to bed with a delicious supper...

I will play catch up tomorrow and look at your pics and answer comments then. I am going to bed early because I have been resisting treats and sweets and nice things all day because I knew once I started eating on a stressful day like today I would be Miss Piggy...and I so want something sweet...good night from me and good night from Popeye...

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