Blackie's Back! :)

I went out with the camera fairly early this morning hunting for spiders as it's #Arachtober and I plan to post an arachnid a day on Twitter. While I was examining the back door ivy bush for subjects I heard a very soft, "Took took took." I poked my head inside and there was Blackie looking back at me. I told him quietly how pleased I was to see him and he hopped slowly to the outside of the bush and sat there while I photographed him with my macro lens. He has been hiding because he wasn't looking his best owing to moulting. The white bits on his head in my pic are the shafts of his new feathers. I'm so pleased that he's back. :)

Today's poem is The Emperor of Ice-Cream by Wallace Stevens.

When I first read this poem I thought it was rubbish but then I read this on it by Austin Allen

How fascinating, even if it is about death again. :) Ice cream was an exotic treat in the days before refrigeration. Large country houses used to have ice houses filled with ice imported from Scandinavia. We didn't have a fridge at home when I was a child and we had a dresser of deal that had seen better days. People used to embroider linen. My father did some pillowcases for me before I was born.   


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