Prague - day 4

Freestyle day at the European Championship. Finally time for my boys to work! I had a more or less sleepless night, but that is normal for me the night before an important competition.

Hero had running order 7 today and Biscuit 41. There were more than 50 competitors in all.

Hero had problems with the floors already Friday in our training session. He slipped and slid and since we only had 2½ minute to practice in the ring, he never really had time to adjust. His routine in the competition was scary! He is young and inexperienced - only 2 years old and this was his first big international championship. He is very very fast and has not yet learned to slow down if the surface is slippery. He slipped when he took off for his jumps and fell and when he ran in big circles around me, he slid out of the ring and had to fight to get back in as the floors around the ring was even more slippery.
BUT!!! Hero was fantastic!!! He worked his heart out for me and as long as he had control over his legs, he never put a paw wrong. Well done little boy! He placed 24th out of 50th.

Biscuit was a star! He worked really well and I am so proud of him. He placed 15th individually and was best Danish dog and best sheltie at the championship.

All in all I am very happy with my boys and today has been a great experience.

This is Biscuit performing his routine to music from a Danish musical called 'Sommer i Tyrol'

Emmy and the Hazyland boys + Bridie in Prague for the European Championship.

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