take a moment

I am still trying to get my head around why a man would take up arms and kill 59 people? What was in his head? What was the motivation? In short, I am asking these questions because I, like most people, am trying to understand the shootings in Las vegas. At the end we may never know why. In fact it is a second order question when, today, hundreds of people are grieving loss and injury. The why question can wait. It has been said that evil happens when good people do nothing. In this place I call home, we know too well the guilt of the "onlooker" or bystander". For peace to break out we each need to take a small step for peace. That must be a personal response, something you alone can work out and carry out in your own area of influence.
I close with some words from John O'Donohue again.
"To be human is to belong. Belonging is a circle that embraces everything; if we reject it, we damage our nature. The word 'belonging' holds together the two fundamental aspects of life: Being and Longing, the longing of our Being and the being of our Longing."

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