Back to earth with a bump today - I am sure my four days off were just a figment of my imagination and I really only just had a weekend went so fast. I never struggle to get up for work normally but boy oh boy did I have the Monday blues this morning!

I love my job, I am a very lucky lady....can you hear the 'BUT' coming BUT there is a downside to my job. My boss is a bit which I hate. We have a regional meeting on Wednesday which I have to prep for, but the list of stuff he sent me this morning is bloody long and I am stressy!!!!!! WHY DIDNT HE ASK ME FOR IT LAST WEDNESDAY grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Anyhow, what I can get done I will and what I cant, I wont :) Tonight is Book Club night so I need to finish on time - anyone who has read The Book Thief please let me know your thoughts as I haven't read it yet! Good job my friend has! It's a good excuse for a coffee and a natter anyway.

Must get back to work, four days till the weekend :)


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