Grand Mère Likes Butternut Squash Soup

Welcome to a Wednesday where my trusty phone feels it's 6°, while I wouldn't go that high, especially as it also, grey, damp and breezy. However, on the positive side, and no one could call me anything but positive (?), it stopped raining about 8am.... for the meantime.

The thought of a hot bowl of butternut squash soup played on my mind, forcing me out to find the very ingredient. Unfortunately at the local shop which serves an enormous population of students, there were none; either the latter don't like squashes or they have bought them all up. There was nothing for it but to gird my loins and tramp to the next nearest shop for one, thinking that cold or not, I was lucky to live somewhere where I had that spur of the moment choice.

Having learned through Google how to cut and peel a butternut squash with relative ease, I stabbed it a few times, put it in the microwave for a minute or two and hey presto the rest was easy.

And by George, the result was everything I hoped for, especially in my Breton Bowl

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