Harbour View

My days off are proving to be harder work than my work days! It started with The Boy having bike traumas on his paper round making him late, fortunately just a call to School resolved that issue.

A brisk walk to school with the small 2 then on to meet Liz to help her out with the Arq books. In reward I can add a bottle of ‘Bloom’ gin to my collection!

Another brisk walk from Liz’s along the river front into town to meet Clare for a cheeky and some Brownie planning! My reward for some more book keeping assistance - free coffee and breakfast!

A quick visit to the bank to pay in Brownie subs before heading home to complete a load of online forms to try and get some grants for Brownies. I guess the number of hoops to jump through is to try and deter those who can’t be bothered but it is all time consuming.

Just time to squeeze in some of MrRoly’s book keeping around the afternoon school run. After throwing tea at 3/4 of the kids, I took Smallest to Clare’s, Eldest to her young leader Scouts and Princess to the secondary school for their open sales pitch evening.

A very interesting evening in which Princess enjoyed the various activities and I caught up with familiar teachers. An interesting split between those asking after Eldest and those filling me in on The Boy’s progress. Apparently he is going for the Arkwright Scholarship and Ten Tors. He’s a youth of hidden depths that one!

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