Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A christening

A bit nippy this morning for the first time, but we were able to sit out in the garden, in between gym visits. Archie would sit there (on a lap) all day - he just loves the sunshine, and now can calmly ignore the painters through the hedge prattling away (in Polish), people going to and fro (lots of men with pushchairs this morning) - the only slight muttering was when a dog walked by.

Camila, who used to take him out regularly last year, texted to ask if he could go for a walk. I didn’t tell him, and when she appeared at the gate he went crazy. Almost an 'Elizabeth welcome' they went off to the Meadows, which was actually perfect, because I could then be a great help *ahem* to JR by setting up the nibbles for later. One of the plates had cucumber sandwiches cut out in the shape of a schnauzer, (using a pastry cutter, not scissors!)

Rufus and Bailey came over with their respective mums this afternoon to watch the safari holiday movie, and perchance to have a G&T. We christened the new whopping big glasses, and they were quite a success. I think they do make it taste even nicer! And after a big glass of G&T, they declared the safari movie to be great!

The garden is looking particularly nice at the moment. We do love having this outside space, having been in a first floor flat for many years. Here's Archie admiring JR's handiwork.

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