Panorama - in reality, there is only one pier!

Thankfully I had a good night's sleep last night to catch up on the very sleep-deprived previous night! So today I've been busy - sorting clothes and suitcases, making lists, and doing some online shopping - all in readiness for my next trip away!

Early evening, I went for a walk along a part of the harbour I don't go to so often. In fact, because the tide was out, I was able to explore new territory, although it was very seaweedy and therefore a bit treacherous. It always makes me smile that I am more concerned about the safety of my camera than I am about my own safety in such circumstances! I was super-careful about both today, as I don't want any mishaps to jeopardise my plans!

The sky was really dramatic, so great fun to photographed. I thought I'd take a few shots to try stitching together in Photoshop. I've only tried it a handful of times before but I liked the way this one turned out. Numerous shots went into the making of it! Best seen large! :))

Many thanks for everything, as always!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Ann :))

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