Adam's Images

By ajt

Regio 2N (Z 55500)

Today we put our bikes back in the car and drove to a station on the Saint-Brieuc line, where I took the train in the blip. If you are interested, it is a Bombardier Regio 2N (SNCF type Z 55500) that entered service on 31 December 2014. It had the stupid vertical bike hangers, but other than that it was a very nice train.

In Saint-Brieuc we checked into a cheap hotel, dumped our stuff and went for an exploratory cycle. The extra picture is from the rather large church at Ploufragan. It was pretty flat and dull most of the day, but actually good cycling weather, you don't over heat but it wasn't cold as long as you were moving. On our way back to town we went to the Decathlon and finally retired to our cheap and ever so tiny hotel room. 

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