The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

Guess what's cooking...

for dinner, home-made pumpkin soup, freshly baked bread and homemade garlic butter... The house smells scrumptious.... :-)) 

I went today to a Care Farm where people with intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain can interpret their daily activities. John and Marga van der Wijst are the owners and promoters of the care farm. This has been operational since early 1999. The agricultural branch is a pony / horse pension, pumpkin nursery, horticulture and agriculture. In addition, the farm has a few chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs and they have a Falabella stud. Fam. van der Wijst owns about 6 hectares of land of which a part is used for growing pumpkins, gourds and ornamental fruits. Another part is used for the grazing of the horses. At the farm are fruit trees with apples, pears, cherries, berries and walnuts. The strength of the care farm lies in the ordinary. People come (again) in contact with animals, plants, natural processes and rhythms.
The farm is a well-organized unit that offers its many potential participants opportunities for development and growth. Also enjoying the animals and nature occupies a very important place. The individuality and abilities of the participants are key. It is important that participants are interested in, and have fun in the activities or enjoy the surroundings.The company structure offers plenty of variety in offerings and capabilities. Through contacts with people outside the company there are opportunities to participate in society... 

I've got some good recipes for pumpkin cake and soup... bought some unnecessary trinkets... And had a nice chat with my friend Joost who was in charge of the pumpkin sell today...(with the pink orange hat)

It's October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month...So if you will please click on this Link and click on the big pink bar to support breast cancer research and offer someone a free mammogram...and safe a life, possibly...

Thank you all so much for all your lovely comments, hearts and stars for yesterdays Blip! They all are highly appreciated... Xxx 


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