... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Eagle Pond: Goosle Stars

See the spectral splashes in large.

This was when I got wet...
It quickly became all action today: there was some quiet posing to start with, then Mr. got cross and started chasing goslings/fledglings, performing triumph ceremonies with Mrs., and marauding menacingly...
The two larger fledglings took to the water and splashed about, flapped about (one startled the other so much that it jumped right out of the water), and generally enjoyed preening in the bright morning sunshine.
One tried to get out to dry near Mr., Mrs., the smallest one, and me, but Mr. was having none of it...

Today's other pictures are on Flickr here (or right from here).
There are quite a few flapping and splashing series if you enjoy those...

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