A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Eagerness & Indifference

Or Jack & Ozzie. Jacky-boy is staying with us for a couple of weeks & he's such a top lad! He loves attention & could easily be described as needy. When he sees you for the first time in the day or when you get back in from work, he scampers around crazily, whimpering & searching for your hands with his long nose, all licking & sniffing. It's a tad distressing but actually very sweet.


I took the boys up behind our garden into the fields backing onto the golf course. There was no one around, as usual, & it was a pleasant walk. I was not in the mood for work this afternoon for some reason. I'd spent most of the day resting in bed 'cos I just felt lethargic. Think the cold or work from Saturday had taken it out of me & so I was really lacking in energy, hence this back-blip. But with the prospect of 2-nearly-3 full days off now, I'm feeling in a much better mood & finally feeling able to Blip away!

Back to Jacky-dingle! He & Oz don't necessarily see eye to eye. We think Ozmo feels like Jack is stepping on his patch & on previous visits, Ozzie has been nowhere to be seen during Jack's stay, choosing instead to sulk & sleep upstairs while Jack has free run of the house. This time however, Oz has been much more his normal self (sleeping, eating & chasing & digging up his balls in the garden!) & it's actually really great to see. He's finally learnt to tolerate, if not embrace, Jacks unrelenting eagerness, boundless enthusiasm & unfaltering attempts to round him up.

Praise the pedigree chum!

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