A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

How do I look?

Albi’s has had her colours done and been told she’s “autumn”. What do you think? I wasn’t sure about the slung back ear thing but she assures me it’s all the rage.

A really mixed day of stuff but all good apart from Anna at home with a poorly stomach. Oh and taking the car to have one tyre changed and coming away with three new tyres.

But amongst other things sorted out today, a work call about a new project for the new year went really well. And a fascinating conversation with J this evening about music genres, most specifically what is classical music and how we would categorise various pieces we listened to before we played a game of guess the length of the music. He switched to Music GCSE today and it seems we are all going to be learning a lot.

I then handed the Jackson reigns to Carl for a discussion on Schrodinger’s model of the atom. And that is exactly as much as I can tell you about that. Though I will note that happily for Carl he got a considerably better reception than when he tried the same conversation with me when I was on a lilo in a pool in Hawaii listening to the waves (not particles) of the Pacific Ocean 16 years ago.

And now the absolute joys of The Apprentice.

If I had to describe today in a word I think I’d say eclectic.

Lesley x

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