A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Met a friend I haven’t seen in far too long for a lovely catch up this morning. She had a meeting at her house so we met at a coffee shop near to her which is new to me. It’s called Rhythm & Brews, has a vinyl collection and live music nights. And great coffee. I’ll be back.

Way too much of the rest of the day has been spent working on forthcoming birthday cakes. It’s a good job the baking frenzy is only once a year.

Did manage to fit in a very splendid swim before being homework buddy for a boy continuing the science homework from last night...I started off wishing Carl wasn’t out at rehearsal but I actually learned something, which was pretty cool. I love it when a knowledge gap gets coloured in. Even if I didn’t even know what the gap was.*

Amusingly, I did reach my tiredness level waaaaay before the boy did....he’s so excited about a piece of music he’s working on I thought he might never come down from the ceiling...

Oh and I blipped the stairs at the cafe because I’d forgotten how much I love this song. And now I won’t.

Lesley x

* Schrodinger’s Model of the Atom in case you’re wondering.

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