Golden Sunshine

Oxalis perdicaria, reflecting the glorious Autumn weather today.  

South America has an extensive and exciting bulbous flora,  Many of the genera are unfamiliar here in the UK, perhaps because of hardiness issues.  The best known here would be Amaryllis, supermarket gift fodder thanks to their huge, showy flowers.  Oxalis will also be familiar to many gardeners given that there are one or two perniciously weedy species that can be difficult to eradicate.   Today's subject will survive outside in a warm spot but even then is likely to succumb in an extreme winter - so it's never going to be a weed.

I had good intentions about dusting today.  There are some long neglected corners in our house which need more than dusting .... but dealing with the dust was always going to be part of the job.  The sunshine drew me into the garden to plant seeds, pull weeds, discover and then liberate long forgotten pots of hardy cyclamen, clean and tidy in the greenhouse .... and finally cut the grass.   

I did do a couple of hours indoors attacking the dust before tea.

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